Runner's story

Novum Law goes on the run for local brain injury charity

A team from specialist personal injury law firm Novum Law is swapping suits and shoes for running shorts and trainers as they get in shape for the relay event in October. 

Josh Hughes, Hannah Carr and Amy Barron, lawyers from Novum’s Salisbury office and David Lockyer, Novum’s Quality & Risk Manager from the Bristol office, will be running to raise much-needed funds for the local brain injury charity, Headway Salisbury and South Wiltshire, which relies entirely on voluntary donations.

Helen Iveson – Running In Memory Of Karen Woo

In October 2017, Helen Iveson will be running her first full marathon in memory of her friend, Karen Woo, to raise funds for the Foundation that was set up after Karen was killed in Afghanistan in 2010.

Helen and Karen met when they were both at medical school.  Helen remembers Karen as being someone who would light up a room.  She had come to medicine a little later than the other students and had friends “from all over".

Mark Stileman – The Clarendon Wall

When Mark Stileman started the 2010 Clarendon marathon, he had eight marathons under his belt (including the Jungfrau Marathon in the Swiss Alps) and a PB of 2:48.  So he was no stranger to long distances, trails and hills, the three main ingredients of the Clarendon.  But even with his pedigree he still ended up running into trouble (literally) – it just goes to show that where marathons are concerned, nothing can be taken for granted.

John Moon: Running at 75

Hi, I’m John Moon and I live near Andover and I’m 75 – yes, one of those old fogeys that the marshals wish would move a bit faster so that they can get off home. I ran my first Clarendon in 2003 when I was 62, after running friends told me what an interesting course it was.  Although I have always played a lot of sport, I did not start road running until after giving up team sports in my mid-40s – competitively putting one foot in front of the other being the last refuge for the ageing sportsman.

Simon Burge's marathon story

Staying in reasonably good shape as you get older doesn't get any easier, particularly when you spend most of your life sitting down. Turning 50 a few years ago made me realise that I needed to take more exercise. I had always enjoyed cycling and walking but running seemed too much like hard work and it took a while before I got the bug. Lack of time was one of the excuses I made to myself for not getting out there and just doing it.


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